While i know that everyone has already reviewed Twilight in like...2007.. Im sort of just getting to it! :)
5 Hearts
--SIDENOTE: Ive been out of town for a while (meaning all summer) so i havent really had time to blog at all...that an the fact that i have NO internet sort of renders my blog as a desert wasteland...sort of like my life.. (lol joking..that was too funny not to say :P) But anyway, i found the COOLEST app on my android phone for composing text and it has export! Wow imagine that...my blog just might survive after all....maybe my life will turn around....just maybe! :P (Dear lord, please help me remember my blogger password!) Also, blogger for android only allows pictures that sort of float above the text...no textwrap or anything... :( So i made easy templates for my reviews. --
Ok, so for Twilight! What else can i say beyond i loved it. When i say love i mean true love for the literature. I am aware the Kstew is amazing to alot of people and the Rpattz is sexy (as hel*) to most people, but my love is for the story without consideration to the actors! (Although i struggle with some rob-obsession)
Before twilight was a movie, i loved it!! As soon as i saw it at walmart (the only place i bought books back then) i bought it and read it the same night. Maybe it helped that i lived in phoenix and was about to louisiana the "most humid place in the continental US" as Edward where say (with a crooked grin)! It was probably the cover too....i love me some apples! (Although Mango is my friut of choice at current, just opened a mango debit acct)
Before twilight, i didnt read. Well obvious i read but not fiction works and never for pleasure. I guess the pleasure of reading about Edward ruin me because now i read alot!! I get annoyed when i cant and supered annoyed when bothered while reading. I suppose twilight was a hook that caught a lonely little fish that was me. _verysince then its been an everylasting reeling motion towards shore...gosh i hope i never get there!
I dont think i need to explain what Twilight is about or what happens in it.... "She falls in love with a mysterious strange who turns out to be a vampire" pretty much sums up the story line. The pacing is sort of slow as far as Bella always cooking or doing chores, but i think that builds a stronger bond to the character for me. The writing is beautiful and funny at times. The characters are realistic and interesting. As far as twilight "book 1" i dont have any dislikes! (i have issues with the others.)
I think readers in general either hate or love twilight... both sides have huge backing. I cant say for sure but i guess the movie or something might have something to do with it. Or issues with stephanie. I can defiately see those issues. But i think twilight is perfect for what it is: an imaginary story with real emotions. Thats the only way i can look at it.
What do you think? Id love to hear you comments! Thanks so much for coming by!